Which condos are dog and cat friendly? | Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Florida
Are you frustrated looking for pet friendly condos in Boca Raton Florida? I know. I understand. I really do. Why? Because I’ve been frustrated looking myself. Many of the listings online are often incorrect, and much of the information out there is also often incorrect.
Pet restrictions vary from one condo to the next, and they may change from time to time. It takes hours of research to find out the truth. I feel your frustration because I am a dog owner and pet lover too. Pet owners face unique challenges when buying a condo in Highland Beach or Boca Raton.
Not all condos in Boca Raton or Highland Beach or even Boynton Beach share the same rules. They each have their own rules and regulations. Is it still possible to buy a dog-friendly condo in south Florida? The answer is yes!
Please note: When I say, Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach, I am also including the neighboring cities of Deerfield Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Boynton Beach and Ocean Ridge. This article applies to all of them in this area of south Florida.
I’m a dog owner and a pet lover
I have been living and breathing pet-friendly real estate in Boca Raton full time for the past 16 years. And, yes, you guessed it – I’m a dog owner and pet lover too. If someone suggested I give up one of my dogs (this has happened) that wouldn’t go over well with me. In fact, I’d give up that person instead! Immediately!
My dogs are always there to greet us when we come home, whether we’re gone for 5 minutes for 5 days. They’re always so happy to see us. Seriously, who else greets you at the door like that? They wait for us, spend time with us and fill our lives with joy. Are you kidding, give up one of my dogs? Never happen!
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”
― Josh Billings
Having a dog can help your heart – literally so says Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School. I agree – how about you? Dogs are soothing to us. They have an innate ability to understand when we need compassion or calming. And they’re good at it. In fact, they’re great at tit.
I am the proud parent of two furry little dogs weighing in at a whopping 15 lbs total. What can I say? I love dogs, and it makes me feel good when I help people find pet-friendly condos in Boca Raton that work for their dog or cat. I recently had a doctor who told me, “I bought the condo for the dog.” We speak the same language.
I have been turned down by a condo association that accepts one dog with a maximum weight of 60 lbs. Crazy, right? Why? Who made up these rules? What were they thinking? This drives me crazy, frustrates me as well as buyers who usually come to me after googling and coming up discouraged and disheartened.
Then there are the folks who didn’t. Just some of the many horror stories I’ve heard through the years: I was approved by the condo but my dog wasn’t” (the night before closing.) Really, now what are you going to do? Or, “I am in contract to buy a house that accepts one pet but I have three.” Or, “My dog weights three pounds too much for the community” – yes, true story. Or, they “told me to get rid of one of my dogs.” Over and over I hear it.
And the frantic text that came in the other evening where someone bought a condo only to find out their two cats were not welcome. Yes, you heard that right. The next morning they called to say they received a letter from the management company that their cats would be okay, so they were calm. I wouldn’t be. I asked them, Does the letter say you may replace one of your pets if one passes away? Sadly, it didn’t and they did not know. They may or may not be allowed. Being a dog person, I know I will always have a dog, so this would be problematic for me.
And the totally absurd – “I have eight dogs and I want to buy a condo in such-and-such building. My friend told me it was good.” Well, that isn’t going to happen because this condo accepts one pet. How long do you think it will take your neighbors to find out there are eight dogs or even more than just one? No building is going to allow eight dogs. Or another call I got asking if they could bring their bird – a 38 year old noisy parrot. They even told me the bird was noisy and they wanted a condo. Not going to happen. Your neighbors are entitled to peace. Check out some other options. And so it goes.
“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man’s.”
― Mark Twain
Do I have a list of pet-friendly Condos in Boca Raton FL?
People always ask if I have a list of pet friendly condos in Boca Raton Florida. Of course, I do. I have never shared it before, but am going to now. I am sharing this list with the caveat that even with the list, there is much research to be done when it comes to pet friendly condos in Highland Beach and Boca Raton. Buyer beware! Pet restrictions can and do change.
Everything needs to be checked and double checked before you put money down. During your inspection period, due diligence needs to be done now. Please remember to check the pet restrictions as condos have varying restrictions. I know. I may sound like a nag, but I say it with love and concern for you and your pets. I don’t want you to fall in love with a place only to find out it’s not a good fit.
Many condos in Boca Raton FL will accept a small pet – some less than 15 lbs, some less than 20 lbs and some less than 40 lbs. But, not all will accept a larger pet or multiple pets. This is where it gets tricky..
Many pet friendly condos, as well as gated communities and even subdivisions, have breed restrictions. They do not allow what they term “aggressive breeds.” Pit bulls are always included in this list, but often they go further to include German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Chows, Presa Canario and more. I’ve even seen a Great Dane on one. Seriously? Great Danes are known as gentle giants.
Wait, there’s more. You’re thinking, I have two dogs that weigh 5 lbs each, or my dog weighs 30 lbs? Believe it or not, you may still run into a problem. Others have. Depending on your pets, what type you have and how many, your choices may be limited. I didn’t say impossible, just limited.
One last caveat, and this is important – Do not call the name on the sign or the name on the ad or the name on the listing. That person works for the seller. That person in the ad has a contract with the seller to get them the highest price possible. Same thing with new construction – don’t call the builder. Builders don’t negotiate.
Be smart – hire a Buyer’s Agent. They work for you – the buyer. Buyer’s agents will fight for you to get you the best deal. They are on your side, not the sellers. Please don’t think you are going to save money by going directly to the listing agent. This is a myth. Buyer Beware and be represented!
Don’t panic.
Call or Text Me First
List of Pet Friendly Condos in Boca Raton, Highland Beach FL (& Delray Beach)
Bel Air Villas
Bel Highland
Belaire Club
Bellamar house
Bermuda High South
Boca Bella
Boca Capri
Boca Country Club
Boca Cove
Boca Grand
Boca Lago
Boca Linda West
Boca Marina
Boca Pointe
Boca Raton Harbour Apartments
Boca Raton Riviera
Boca Teeca
Boca Towers
Boca Village
Boca Walk
Boca West Country Club
Braben Condo
Camino Cove
Camino Real Village
Casa del Rey
Casa Playa
Castel del Mar
City Walk at Pineapple Grove
Coach Homes
Coronado at Boca Raton
Courtyards at Boca
Delray Oaks
Domaine Delray
Evanton Bay
Fairfield Gardens
Fairways Condo
5 Palms
French Village
Isles of Boca
La Costa del Mar
La Font
Lakes of Woodhaven
Mizner Court
Mizner Grande
Mizner Tower
Ocean Terrace
One Thousand Ocean
Osceola Arms
Palmetto Place

Parker Highland
Presidential Place
River Oaks
Rogers House
San de Vance
Saturnia by the Sea
Sea Ridge
Townhouses of Highland Beach
Townsend Place
Tower 155
Woodhaven del Mar
Woodhaven East
Addison Point at Boca Raton
Boca Grand
Boca Marina
Boca Point – The Pointe
Cannery Row
Casa Playa
Highland Beach Club
Highland Beach Villas
Mizner Grande
200 East
Addison on the Ocean
Addison Point at Boca Raton
Boca Capri
Boca Grand
Boca Quay
Boca Raton Riviera
Casa Del Rey
Castel Del Mar
Camino Real Village
The Pointe
City Walk at Pineapple Grove
Coronado at Boca Raton
Delray Harbor Club
Delray Oaks
Delray Oaks West
Highland Beach Club
Highland Beach Villas
Isles at Aberdeen
Mizner Grande
Mizner Tower
Ocean Place
Palmetto Place
Sea Ridge
Townhouses of Highland Beach
Condos on this list vary in price from low to very high. They are all over the place with regard to price and location within southern Palm Beach County. Included are condos in Boca Raton, Highland Beach and Delray Beach, Florida.
Need help? Not sure where or how to begin? Ask me! And please use a pet friendly Realtor in Boca Raton FL when looking for pet friendly condos in Boca Raton.
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
― Will Rogers
Being a dog person, I know how much your dogs and cats mean to you. I know how much my pets mean to me. They are our fur kids, part of the family. They sleep in our bed (well, mine do!) They make us smile and laugh with their antics, they’re wonderful companions, loyal, and they’re here to stay. And, no, we aren’t getting rid of one just to get into a building! I would never ask you to do that. If someone asked me to get rid of one of my dogs, I’d get rid of that person instead! Seriously!
That’s another story I’ve heard before. “The agent told me to get rid of one of my dogs.” It’s mind boggling to me.
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”
― Roger A. Caras
Your choices for a dog friendly condo in Boca Raton will be limited, especially at the beach. Same thing applies to cats. Size, weight, breed and how many pets you have will all come into play. All buildings have size and breed restrictions and, yes, they’re all different. Buildings often require vaccines. If you’re a person who titers your dogs, this may be a problem for you. It was for one of my clients who ended up buying a home in a pet-friendly gated community in Boca Raton.
In one condo on the ocean, pet friendly may mean the building will accept a bird or goldfish. Ha! Yes, you read that right – a bird or a goldfish. I don’t know who wrote those pet restrictions but, one thing is for certain, we know they weren’t a dog or cat lover nor did they read 6 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Health
In looking for a pet-friendly condo for a buyer, the documents under pet restrictions read: one bird not to exceed the size of a parakeet. Seriously? They must have thought long and hard about this one! Each time I hear another one, I am always amazed.
I know of one rental (in case you’re thinking of renting before buying) who insists on the dog’s DNA before you can rent an apartment, and then charges monthly rent in addition to your rent.
Real estate and dogs are my passion. I am a retired court reporter so research helps immensely when looking for pet friendly condos in Boca Raton in a big way. Please read some of my testimonials here.
You’re looking for a pet-friendly condo. Maybe a certain type of condo – large building, boutique building, ocean condo or in town. I can save you a lot of wasted time. My job is to make your life easy when looking for a pet friendly condo in south Florida.
Boca Raton Florida is one of the most beautiful places in the world to live. Living here is like living in paradise. White sandy beaches, sunny blue skies, tropical palm trees and foliage, shopping for almost anything you could want, restaurants, schools, medical care, hospitals and three airports nearby. If we don’t have it, it’s likely on it’s way here.
There was a huge push in the past several years because Trader Joe’s wasn’t here. People wanted one. Now we have three – one in Boca Raton, one in Delray Beach and one in Wellington FL! Not bad. Not to mention Whole Foods, Fresh Market and a new Whole Foods that recently opened in Delray Beach.
Throughout this article, when I say Boca Raton FL, I am including Delray Beach, Highland Beach, Boynton Beach, Ocean Ridge, Deerfield Beach and Hillsboro Beach, as they are all right next to each other.
South Florida is easy living. Throw on a pair of sweats or shorts in the morning and you’re out the door, most days of the year with Chloe or Max or Coco. We get rain, now and then, sometimes more than others. But, for the most part the weather is outstanding in Boca Raton. The sun shines an average of 231 days per year. Even when it’s chilly, the sun is usually shining and the sky is blue.
After a morning walk from your Boca Raton condo, you may want to take your dogs to one of our dog parks in Boca Raton or Delray Beach. Or to the Boca Raton Dog Beach. Yes, we have a dog beach too! I told you it was like living in paradise.
Some people like to take their fur babies shopping because Town Center Mall in Boca Raton is pet friendly to small pets. (Sorry, not my call!) Both the Boca Raton Green Market and Delray Beach Green Market are pet friendly with local produce and fresh products.
One of my favorite spots for breakfast is Caffe Martier (now closed) on Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach, Caffe Martier was definitely dog friendly, as are many other restaurants in Boca Raton. We were there for breakfast with the dogs. They were so kind as to even bring bowls of water for our dogs. How nice is that!
You can also take a ride to Palm Beach because Worth Avenue loves its dogs. Everywhere you go, you see bowls of water outside shops for the dogs along Worth Avenue.
“Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place with curators in museums; others we take for walks.”
― Roger A. Caras
In looking for a pe- friendly condo in Boca Raton, some things to consider. Will this be a permanent move or are you thinking of a second home? Or perhaps becoming a snowbird or snowflake? You will need to find a new veterinarian, day care, groomer, emergency vet, pet stores, dog food and so much more. So many things to think about and worry about! I know you want the best for your cats and dogs.
It’s hard work. Believe me. I know, because we made the move from New York to Boca Raton 25 years ago.
It wasn’t easy, but now you have help – you have me! I am with you every step of the way. I won’t pass you off to another team member. I work alone. You and I are the team. We are together from that first email, text or phone call to beyond closing. And not just finding you a place to live. Many of my clients have become lifelong friends. I have clients who even call for directions! Please take a moment and read
First, let’s find your furry friends a place to live – with you, of course, in a pet-friendly condo in south Florida! Did you even think anything else? And not a condo that takes 25 lb dogs if you own a Golden Retriever!
Are Condos in Boca Raton FL Pet Friendly?
Many condos in Boca Raton and Highland Beach are pet friendly. The key is how pet friendly and what do they consider pet friendly. One pet-friendly condo on the beach may accept one or two pets with a maximum combined weight of 20 lbs. Be careful – that’s not 20 lbs each.
Some condo associations insist dogs or cats be under 15 lbs while another pet-friendly condo in Boca Raton may accept two small pets. There are even a few that accept 50+ lb dogs. In one condo, there may be no restrictions except for breed restrictions. Unfortunately, there are many condos in Highland Beach that do not accept any pets at all.
Hard to believe, right? It can get very complicated.
Dog friendly condos may also change their pet restrictions from time to time. Yes, it really can and does happen,, on occasion. Please do not rely on what someone tells you. Always double check because many condos do enforce their pet restrictions. And that brings us to the next scenario.
Some pet-friendly condos in south Florida do not allow what they consider “aggressive breeds.” In Boca Raton, pet friendly communities are not always pet friendly to all breeds. Sounds strange, but it’s true. What is mean by “aggressive” or “restricted” breeds are always pit bulls. But, they can also include Rottweilers, American Staffordshire and, in some cases, they have gone further and included other breeds.
Every condo association in south Florida is different, so you need to know. If you are looking for a pet-friendly condo in Boca Raton, whether it’s a dog-friendly beach condo or a regular dog-friendly condo, make sure to check carefully. If you have what is termed an “aggressive” breed, I know you love him or her, but plan on buying a house on a street, not in a dog-friendly condo in Highland Beach or Deerfield Beach. Maybe even in a gated community – it depends.
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals fall under Fair Housing. You can read about it on the HUD.gov website. If you have a true need, they must accommodate you. That’s the law.
Florida recently updated the law on Emotional Support Animals. You can read it here: https://www.floridarealtors.org/news-media/news-articles/2020/07/new-emotional-support-animal-law-whats-it-all-mean
Have a question on pet-friendly housing? Go on, Ask Me!
Search for Condos in Boca Raton
For more information about pet-friendly housing in Boca Raton FL and Boca Raton Real Estate, please contact me. I am a Boca Raton Real Estate Agent. I can be reached at (561) 716-7824, by text or email at Elyse@ElyseBerman.com
Thank you for reading about pet-friendly housing in Boca Raton FL.
Related Pet Articles:
- Gated Communities in Boca Raton that allow pets
- Pet friendly 55+ Communities in Delray Beach
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